Friday, July 17, 2009

Task: Sitting Unassisted - COMPLETE

Last night, Marcus and I were hanging out on the couch and I was holding him while he was sitting on the cushion next to me. I had my phone (Sidekick) on the couch flipped open and it was all lit up. I turned to grab a drink of water and when I turned around, he had hunched himself over a bit and was playing with the phone and my hand was only slightly resting on his back. I gently removed my hand and watched him sit all by himself for a good minute or so. I got excited and said "Yay Marcus!" which startled him enough to where he fell over. Oops.

So I got another toy for him, one that blinks and makes sound, and put it in front of him, and he did it again. Only this time, I was able to get the camera!

I'm such a proud Mama.