Monday, December 28, 2009

Back from the Dead

Yeah - I know. It's been, like 4 months since I wrote last. Lame.

Here's my excuse - I have an almost 10 month old that has decided to learn how to crawl up stairs and fall back down them. I no more than sit down and he's halfway up the steps. If I would remember to close the gate at the bottom of the stairs, I wouldn't have this problem, but then that would require me to actually think.

We had the "First Christmas" last week. And me being the supermommy that I am, forgot the SIM card to my camera, so I have zero pictures of it. Thankfully my mother took a bunch of pictures, but that sure doesn't help me right now does it? Mister had a bunch of least as much fun that a 9.5 month old can have. He got a John Deere tractor, which he was so thrilled with that he was pretty much done with opening things right then and there, an activity box from yours truley, a mailbox toy, a piano, a toy cell phone, and some clothes. Oh...and a ball pit. Thanks a lot grandparents.That will be the toy that either stays in the basement play room...or outside.

My brother and sister-in-law and niece came over from Oshkosh on Saturday night. Cecilia is 4 months old, and I forgot how much fun that age is. She was just smiling at everything and couldn't crawl away when you laid her on the floor. Almost puts me in "baby fever", but not quite.

The highlight of my weekend - Packers won. And an ode to my Detroit Lions fans, it was one year ago today, that the Lions completed their perfect 0-16 season, losing to my team...the GB Packers. <3