Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm not sure what to think...

So here I am. I'm in one town, my baby is in another. My day care is closed this week and my Mom just happened to be off of work so she graciously offered to take my boy for today and tomorrow. Problem is, I don't know if I should be excited to have some alone time with the hubby, or if I should cry because I miss my boy!

Today was the first day that I've woken up without my little man. I missed his little smile and him laughing and cooing at me in the morning. I was tempted to turn on the lullaby CD last night so I could sleep! I know he's in good hands, but I just miss smooshing those little cheeks!!


mrs.notouching said...

My goodness I miss my LO even if I have to leave for a few hours. It's amazing what motherhood does to you...